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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Some General Facts About Cancer

 Some General Facts About Cancer

 Cancer in dogs can happen very frequently. We need to be more prepared to the signs of cancer so that our dogs can live longer.

50% of dogs over age ten get cancer, and the warning signs include:
  • a lump or a bump
  • a wound that doesn't heal
  • enlarged lymph nodes
  • a swelling in a bone
  • abnormal bleeding    
...and many others.  If you own a golden retriever, a boxer, a flat-coated retriever, or a Bernese mountain dog, then watch out; these types of dogs are especially prone to cancer. Dog owners with other breeds of dogs should still be vigilant, because your dog can still get cancer.We have noticed that oddly enough, dogs get the same types of cancer that humans do, even though they don't have many of the same genes that we have. We have also noticed that the most common breeds of dogs get cancer more often than other dogs. Therapists have discovered some reasons why dogs and humans might get the same types of cancer, which includes ideas such as the fact that they drink the same water that we do and that they live in the same environment. There are many types of cancer that mammals can get, such as malignant lymphoma, which affects the lymphatic system; mast cell tumors; mammary gland tumors; bone cancer; and many others. We should be watching for cancer. It can hurt us in many ways.

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